Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Name's the Game

When we decided to get one, the first order of business (other than waiting) was to get a naming contest going. Pretty important stuff. That and waiting... Did I mention waiting?

So, what do we know about it, well we know it's a three wheel white electric vehicle. Yes clever You, they left off one of the wheels. The average new car is $28,000. This is a third of that. They had to leave off something. No matter, three is all we needed anyway. What else do you need to know for a Naming Contest?
There were several clever entries, and a couple of that *other* variety. Having seen the top of the blog, I bet you can guess the winner.

Names that were proposed:
Casper (Friendly, white, opposite of menacing)
GETA (Generic Electric Transportation Appliance)
Kelvinator (White, Appliance-Fridge-like, Cool...)
HolyCow (must be a Hindu white cow thing...)
White Ligh10ing
Stool (OK I kinda like this one, the only
good three wheel poop joke in the bunch)
œufMobilité (actually he said egg mobile but this looks cooler)

Get those cards and letters coming folks. Naming is important stuff.
The winner gets a big kiss! The losers get several big kisses!
...and you thought winning wasn't important...
YES! have a winner folks:

le Fantôme Blanc

Awww, you probably guessed. What a letdown.
You cosmopolitan types have probably translated this into "the White Ghost" already. The rest of us less stylin' volk had to look it up.

The State of Oregon in it's immense wisdom thinks it's a Motorcycle.
This, it turns out has a number of advantages.
OTHER than the faint jeering noises you might make in the general direction of the state capitol.
Advantages like lower fees and insurance, and no odd electric vehicle surcharges and fewer supremely weird speed regulations: drive 25 in a 35 zone? 35 in a 40 zone? What? I don't think you can even SEE the speedometer from where most Legislators have their heads.

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