Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's Here???

Or well, it should be here, and maybe it's somewhere around here...??
Viktor the car transport guy calls about noon and says his driver is heading up from Sacramento and he'll be picking up a couple more cars and running up to Corvallis. 6PM "He's leaving Grants Pass now, should be there around 10PM, will you still be up?" Yeah, no problem.
Excitement builds.
Midnight. We call Viktor "His cell is not answering and we haven't heard from him in hours, please call if you see him." I think he's getting worried.
Later, still nothing.

Edit: Morning
The driver (Peter) was in the Super8 Motel overnight. The desk clerk tries to call me using the number he's given but I got nothing. Contacted later he says Peter has left and yup, his cell's dead.
Peter talks to a waitress we know near our EV parking spot. She calls us and we trot over. Peter is gone and we search the area. He shows up with the car about 15 min. later. He has keys but no paperwork of any sort. A handshake and off he goes, really seemed to be a nice guy. The eastern european accent was noticable but he got his ideas across. Somehow these EV things always come out strange. This is WAY better than the last go-round though!

The car appears to be in great shape, though the StateOfCharge meter is showing a really low number so we park it and put it on charge first thing. Well, that and search it for manuals and paperwork. None to be found.

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